Resource Pack

How to setup the Vitalo resource pack.

How to Download

To download the resource pack, simply click on this link and it will download the pack for you! Once downloaded, you will notice that there are 2 subfolders. "StylePack1" and "StylePack2". They are two different styles of the health bars, and it is up to you which one you choose.

How to Distribute It

Once you have downloaded the resource pack you can choose your preferred distribution method. There are a few options, and its up to you to decide which one you want to use.

This is by far the easiest option, and is as simple as uploading the style pack to something like Google Drive, and copying the download link into the resource-pack value in your file. If you need help, there are plently of YouTube videos on how to do this. (Vitalo does not provide Google Drive links for the individual style packs as it is expected you will be modifying them)


If you are using ItemsAdder, things are a lot easier. Simply open the ItemsAdder folder within the style pack, and copy and paste the vitalo folder into the contents folder within ItemsAdder's configuration, typically found in your server at plugins/ItemsAdder/contents.

Last updated