Entity Profiles

Each entities has its own "profile" which allows it to have unique properties completely configurable by you!

What are entity profiles?

An entity profile is a config file found in Vitalo/profiles/[entity_type].yml. These profiles contain all related information to displaying health for entities. Here is what an example entity profile will look like:

health-type: bar
visibility-mode: constant

  enabled: true
  height: 0.7

  color: DB3A34
  damage-duration: 0.5
  show-labels: true
  height: 0.5
  height-with-nametag: 1.4

  bar-color: 0066ff
  height: 1.5
  height-with-nametag: 2.0

  height: 0.5
  height-with-nametag: 1.2
  absorption-height: 0.5
  absorption-height-with-nametag: 0.9
    height: 0.1
    absorption-height: 0.25

unicode: [...]
  • health-type: Whether the entity should have hearts or bars above their head.

  • visibility-mode: What visibility mode the entity should use. Constant is always there, dynamic is there when the entities health is below full, and dynamic-short is there only when the entity is actively being damaged.

  • name-tag: Name Tags

  • health-bar: Health Bars

  • bubbles: Bubble type is determined by health type

    • bar-color: The color of the bubble bar

    • height: The height of the bubbles/bubble bar is from the entities head.

    • height-with-nametag: The height of the bubble-bar from the entities head when there is a nametag.

  • hearts: Hearts

  • unicode: Unicode information, more information in the Customization section.

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